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This is a Quiz for Nepal Candidates Interview – Phase 1
Only those who have passed this test will proceed to Phase 2 (face-to-face interview)
Ujian ini adalah untuk Warga Nepal sahaja – frasa 1
Kepada yang lulus sahaja, mereka akan diteruskan ke frasa 2
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Question 1 of 20
1. Question
If 1 Chicken Burger require 3 patties, how many patties are needed for 20 Chicken Burgers?
Jika sebiji burger ayam memerlukan 3 patty, berapakah patty yang diperlukan untuk 20 burger ayam? -
Question 2 of 20
2. Question
What is 11 x 11 equals to ?
Berapakah 11 x 11 ? -
Question 3 of 20
3. Question
The total bill is RM45.00
If the bill is split equally among Amy, Sam and Carrie, what is the total amount Amy and Carrie need to pay?Jumlah bil adalah RM45.00
Jika ia dibahagikan antara Amy, Sam dan Carrie, berapakah yang perlu dibayar oleh Amy dan Carrie? -
Question 4 of 20
4. Question
A quarter roast chicken set costs RM23.00. If there is a 10% discount promotion, how much does the customer needs to pay?
Satu suku ayam panggang set berharga RM23.00, Jika ia diberi 10% promosi, berapakah yang perlu dibayar oleh pelangan? -
Question 5 of 20
5. Question
If 1 session of float is RM800, how much float do I need for 3 sessions?
* Float = starting cash in the cashier drawerJika satu sesi float adalah RM800, berapakah float yang diperlukan untuk 3 sesi?
* Float = permulaan wang tunai di dalam laci juruwang -
Question 6 of 20
6. Question
What is 14+29 equals to ?
Berapakah 14+29 ? -
Question 7 of 20
7. Question
What is 61 minus 29 equals to?
Berapakah 61 kurang 29 ? -
Question 8 of 20
8. Question
The total bill is RM82.50, and Wilson gives a RM100 note to the cashier.
How much change does the cashier needs to return to Wilson?Jumlah bil adalah RM82.50, dan Wilson memberikan nota RM100 kepada juruwang.
Berapakah sisa wang yang perlu dikembalikan kepada Wilson? -
Question 9 of 20
9. Question
To: All staff
From: HR Department
Staffs are NOT allowed to take out any food from the outlet, even if the food is meant to be thrown away at night. This is to prevent misunderstanding on pilferage.Why is the HR Department sending the above email?
Kepada: Semua pekerja
Daripada: Jabatan HR
Pekerja tidak dibenarkan membawa balik sebarang makanan dari cawangan, walaupun makanan tersebut akan dibuang pada waktu malam. Ini adalah untuk mengelakkan salah faham mengenai perbuatan salah laku.Mengapakah Jabatan HR perlu menghantar e-mel diatas?
Question 10 of 20
10. Question
What do you call the people cooking in Fresco’s Kitchen?
Apa yang anda panggil orang yang memasak di Dapur Fresco? -
Question 11 of 20
11. Question
__________do you like?
I like Salmon.________ yang anda suka?
Saya suka Salmon. -
Question 12 of 20
12. Question
This watermelon is so _________.
Where did you buy it?Semangka ini sangat __________.
Dimanakah anda membelinya? -
Question 13 of 20
13. Question
Excuse me.
What is the topping for Hawaiian pizza?Maafkan saya.
Apakah topping untuk pizza Hawaii? -
Question 14 of 20
14. Question
What is 24.55kg equals to ?
Apakah 24.55kg sama dengan ? -
Question 15 of 20
15. Question
How many millilitres is there in 2.5 litres?
Berapa banyak mililiter terdapat dalam 2.5 liter? -
Question 16 of 20
16. Question
People usually eat spaghetti with _________.
Spageti selalunya dimakan dengan _________. -
Question 17 of 20
17. Question
John liked Chocolates very much, but his mother never gave him any. His mother said they were bad for his teeth. John had a very nice grandfather. The old man loved his grandson very much, and usually brought John chocolates when he came to visit him.
Why did his grandfather sometimes give him chocolate?
John suka coklat, tetapi ibunya tidak pernah memberikannya. Ibunya berkata ia tidak baik untuk gigi John. John mempunyai seorang datuk yang sangat baik. Datuk sangat menyukai cucunya dan selalu membeli coklat kepada John semasa John menziarahi dia.
Mengapakah datuk John memberi coklat kepadanya?
Question 18 of 20
18. Question
Question 19 of 20
19. Question
What is the above food?
Apakah makanan diatas? -
Question 20 of 20
20. Question
What is the color of carrot?
Apakah warna lobak merah?